Barntiques .. Your Source for Fresh off the Farm Aniques

Barntiques .. Your Source for Fresh off the Farm Aniques

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Peacock New Movie on DVD

A movie on DVD that just came out April 20th! It is full of famous stars and the story line is not my favorite, but it's a real thriller. Why I love this move so much is that some of the scenes were filmed in the little town of Bridgewater Iowa. We were fortunate to see the filming and meet the director and the main star.. Cillian Murphy. The general store scene in the beginning of the movie was shot a "Doris's Store" in our little town where we have our "Lake House". My Mother and Doris have been friends since childhood and her store is so wonderful. Unfortunately it is now closed due to Doris's health.
This is a picture of Doris's store when they shot the movie.

This is a picture of Jessica and Cillian during the shooting.

Jessica and Nathan with the director Micheal Landor.
Our cash register from Barntiques was also in the movie. It was in the cafe scene will Ellen Paige of "Juno" fame. A movie company representative came to Barntiques and bought and rented several things for the movie.

Barn Quilts

Grandmother's Flower Garden Pattern..... a wonderful depression era quilt had pieced and stitched for sale at Barntiques Antique Mall
Early quilt in wonderful primitive blues!!!

A close up of the a "Yo Yo" quilt.
This 40's era quilt was made with vintage fabrics from that time period.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Sneak Peek of Quilts in the Barn

Bill A. and Carolyn A. are putting up a few beautiful quilts which will be on display and for sale at the Barnitques Antique Mall this weekend for a special showing during the Quilt Show weekend.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Barntiques Porch Farm Primitives

We worked on cleaning up the porch today.

Neat old farm stuff

Great old general store piece.

New Flag in the Barn's Interior

My dear hubby put up the big 6 foot by 9 foot flag today!!
The Barntiques interior is starting to take shape.
We should have it ready to go for events soon.
From Floor to Barn peak is over 28 feet tall. It's neat!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Capturing the Iowa Farm Fields in a Painting

This is the view of the fields behind Barntiques Antique Mall.
Monday afternoon found Carrie, a local artist from Iowa City enjoying the afternoon in our gazebo painting the farm fields behind the barn. She comes every season to capture the essence of our beautiful Iowa country side. I love that Iowa means "Beautiful Land"!! When she completes the series we would love to display them at Barntiques.

Primitive Quilts are coming in this week for the Kalona Quilt Show

This Wonderful Camel back trunk just came in. It's in fabulous condition!!
Fresh New Mustard Paint and Displays at Barntiques.

1856 Crazy Quilt on the Bed... more quilts arriving today. Getting ready for the Kalona Quilt Show this weekend!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Beautiful Iowa Farm Finds!!!

Great New 1894 De Lomphre' Print!!
Barntiques Has 1894 farmhouse style!!

Primitive Kitchenwares!!

Lots of Jugs and Crocks

Come see our great Old Quilts... we have many coming in this week for the quilt show.

Barntiques Antique Mall has a New Fresh Look

We Love Primitives at Barntiques Antique Mall... Fresh off the Farm Finds!!

Fun new Gardening Finds!!!

Wonderful new Trunk

Fresh Paint and Spring Cleaning allowed us to move our checkout counter. Come see all the new changes and treasures at Barntiques!! Our dealers are bringing in great new antiques daily!!


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